

Email Llewella at or by using the button below.


Official Bio

When Llewella was young, her father read her the Oz books, the Narnia books, The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Her family watched PBS costume dramas and murder mysteries on television together. In college she began attending Science Fiction conventions. All that comes together in her writing, as she writes fantasies set in historical times that involve stopping criminals.

Llewella has a Bachelors in English Literature and a Masters in Teaching. She has been called an “amazing editor” and also “a 21st century Maxwell Perkins.” She was one of a few developmental editors for the anthology Turning Points by Off Campus Writers’ Workshop which came out in June 2021, and she reprised that role for the anthology Meaningful Conflicts: The Art of Friction, also by OCWW, which came out in April 2023. Both anthologies have been finalists for awards.


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